Graphotherapeutics                           See below for Special Offer
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Health Clues in Handwriting 
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Purchase all 3 books for $39.00                                                    $39.00
                                                                                 8.75% Tax                     3.41
Allow 3 weeks delivery                                                            Shipping/Hdlg         15.59
 Prices subject to change without notice                               Total                             58.00

Course Order Forms

Book Order Forms
Introductory/Intermediate Course on Graphology
Send __________ course(s) at $100.00 per course UNTUTORED                        $______________
                                            or                                                                                                    or
Send __________ course(s) at $695.00 per course TUTORED                               $______________

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Shipping/Handling for each add’l courses $ 7.00 x Courses: _________            $______________ 
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Health Clues in Handwriting Course
Send __________ course(s) at $60.00 per course UNTUTORED                           $______________
                                            or                                                                                                    or
Send __________ course(s) at $395.00 per course TUTORED                               $______________

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Graphotherapy Course
Send __________ course(s) at $495.00 per course TUTORED                               $______________
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Please make checks or money orders (US currency only) payable to:
                                                         Association for Graphological Studies
                                                                            3569 Pear Blossom Ave
                                                                         Oceanside, CA 92057  USA
                                    Phone:  (760) 722-7711     Fax: (760) 231-5701    Email: afgs@graphologyafgs.com
Volume Order Forms
COURSES                                         RETAIL                           10 or MORE                    PRICE PER COURSE   
Introductory/Intermediate            $100.00                                40% discount                             $60.00
Course on Graphology
Health Clues in Handwriting         $60.00                                40% discount                              $36.00
BOOKS                                               RETAIL                           10 or MORE                    PRICE PER BOOKS   
Graphotherapeutics                         $20.00                                40% discount                            $12.00
Health Clues in Handwriting         $15.00                                40% discount                            $9.00
Writing                                               $15.00                                40% discount                            $9.00
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Introductory/Intermediate Course     Qty: ______        $100.00                    Total: _________________
Health Clues Course                             Qty: ______          $60.00                      Total: _________________
Graphotherapeutics Book                     Qty: ______         $20.00                      Total: _________________
Health Clues Book                                 Qty: ______          $15.00                     Total: _________________
Writing Book                                           Qty: ______         $15.00                     Total: _________________

   Add 8.75% Sales Tax                                                                                        Subtotal:  _______________
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                         Please make checks or money orders (US currency only) payable to:
                                                   Association for Graphological Studies
                                                            3569 Pear Blossom Ave.
                                                            Oceanside, CA 92057 USA 
                                Phone  (760) 722-7711  Fax (760) 231-5701    afgs@graphologyafgs.com  http://livepage.apple.com/shapeimage_6_link_0
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Amount Enclosed: _______________________________By: ________Check __________ Money Order
Please make checks or money orders (US currency only) payable to:
                                           Association for Graphological Studies 
                                                     3569 Pear Blossom Ave.
                                                       Oceanside, CA 92057 USA     
                         Phone:  (760) 722-7711   Fax: (760) 231-5701     Email: afgs@graphologyafgs.commailto:afgs@graphologyafgs.comshapeimage_7_link_0